

√完了しました! 風見 智彦 375494-風見智彦 声優

Tomohiko Kazami was one of the class officers of 9th Grade Class 3 in Kouichi Sakakibara's class, along with Yukari Sakuragi and later Izumi Akazawa after Yukari's death 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Plot 4 Trivia 5 Quotes 6 Gallery Kazami was a person of shorter than average height, with a very pale complexion, dark blue hair and eyes of the same color He wears squareshaped green狂気の鬼畜眼鏡 風見智彦&森繁朔太郎(ネタバレ注意) アニメ Anotherの風見智彦、コープスパーティーの森繁朔太郎。どちらも青い髪の毛、四角い眼鏡をかけた姿。Popular The mostrated anime on aniSearch during the current season; Another このクラスでは誰かがすでに 死んでいる Saku S Diary 楽天ブログ 風見智彦 声優